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Anatomical Pathologist - special interest in dermatopathology

Dr Karl Rodins is the only doctor in Queensland who holds a dual qualification in Anatomical Pathology & Dermatology.  He is a fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia & the Australasian College of Dermatologists.

Anatomical Pathologist - special interest in dermatopathology

Dr Kusala Peiris is a medical graduate of the University of Colombo and has worked 24 years in the field of Histopathology within Sri Lanka and Australia.

Anatomical Pathologist

Dr Corwin Willys graduated with honours from The University of Queensland and also holds a Bachelor of Biomedical Science from The University of Melbourne. After developing an interest in surgical pathology at the Princess Alexandra Hospital he undertook research projects in the molecular genetics of cancer at the Ludwig Institute and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institutes, with a focus on proteomics and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.

Anatomical Pathologist - special interest in dermatopathology

Eranga has almost 10 years’ experience as a consultant histopathologist in Sri Lanka. She obtained her Australian Fellowship qualifications (FRCPA) in 2018.

Anatomical Pathologist

Dr Kais Kasem is a consultant surgical pathologist who trained in Queensland hospitals and obtained the Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2016.

Anatomical Pathologist - special interest in dermatopathology, gastrointestinal and gynaecological pathology

Dr Tejaswini graduated from the University of Mumbai, India. She underwent specialist postgraduate training in pathology and completed her M.D Pathology in 2000.

Anatomical Pathologist

Dr Henry Lau’s Pathology career spans over 40 years. Throughout his career he has worked in New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland.

Anatomical Pathologist - special interest in dermatopathology

Qualifications FRCPA (Anatomical Pathology) MD (Histopathology and Cytopathology, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka) Diploma in Pathology (University of Colombo, Sri […]

Anatomical Pathologist

Qualifications FRCPA (Anatomical pathology) MD (Histopathology) Diploma in pathology MBBS

Anatomical Pathologist -special interest in gynaecological pathology

Qualifications Mudr, Frcpath UK (Fellow), FRCPA (Fellow) FRCPath UK, CHAT Experience Dr Patel graduated from Charles University Prague, achieving summa […]

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